Come to the Dark Side with Bondassage® and Elysium®

It is an exciting time here at Mistress J Studios. I recently became certified in Bondassage® and Elysium® and am super excited to offer  these experiences to my clients!

I already offer spine-tingling sensual FBSM and BDSM experiences. Adding Bondassage and Elysium is like adding a cherry to a sundae. These are the high-end sensual experiences you have been craving to reach those hidden desires. You know, the deep, dark ones that you bury in your heart and soul?

My clients often hunger for a way to give up the control and decision making they have in everyday life. They yearn to surrender to a woman who can guide them to submission. Bondassage and Elysium take what I do one step further.

Created by the fabulous Jaeleen Bennis in Santa Cruz, providers must undergo a intensive 3-day training to call themselves a Bondassage or Elysium practitioner. The training is fantastic and I learned a lot. Certified Practitioners combine innovative massage techniques with subtle breath and energy work, rhythmic body play, and a delicious menu of skilled sensation experiences.

Bondassage is a kinky massage that will surely knock your socks off! Naked, collared and cuffed to my table, I will take you on a journey of submission, exploration, and pleasure. Letting go is the ultimate power. Letting go to me is the ultimate in pleasure. The session is steeped in wheelD/s and combines sensory deprivation, sensation play, massage and a little corporal work all in one. This is perfect for my massage clients wanting more edge play in their sessions or are curious to try BDSM. Three quarters of the session will be spent face down.

Elysium is a bound massage without the D/s. It’s a slower, softer version on Bondassage. There is sensory deprivation and lots of sensation play and tons of slow, sexy tease. Imagine being brought to the edge and back over and over. Elysium pushes the boundaries between bliss, self control and ecstasy and is designed for massage devotees seeking something spectacularly sensual. Three quarters of the session will be spent face up.

Both sessions are divine. Both sessions have me using my body as a tool to make you drool. Both sessions are for the connoisseur of pleasure.

Come and experience this deliciously creative playground and awaken to a profound level of pleasure and relaxation.

Submission never felt better…


90 Minute Session:  500.

120 Minute Session:  700.    

Check out my profile on the Bondassage website!


If you are curious about Bondassage, Elysium and Feminine Domination, I invite you to contact me for a session in my San Jose studio.

Intrigued? Contact me. My email is  I am in San Jose, California.  I look forward to hearing from you. 408-896-5836.


Let My Fingers Do The Walking! Enjoy FBSM

Who doesn’t like a massage? Massage is not an indulgence but a necessity. We must take care of our bodies in order to function at 100%man on table.

They don’t need to be clinical to be therapeutic. In fact, sensual touch has healing powers beyond measure.

My Full Body Sensual Massage (FBSM) validates my client as a breathing, sensual being. My massages are without judgment around you being a naturally erotic, sensual person. I bring the attitude that I am giving something to you, and not trying to get something in return. You surrender to me, let me take control,  and allow your body to be my plaything.

Most of my clients have deeper needs than sore muscles. They crave a sensual intimacy missing from their everyday lives. Intimacy generally refers to the feeling of being in a close personal association and belonging together.

I hear over and over desires of letting go and letting someone else take control. Many want to experience surrender in a gentle way. Others crave sensuality and vulnerability.


You’re in good hands with Mistress J.

By now, you are probably thinking “Speak English woman! What does this all mean?” Let me begin by describing a session.

With all sessions, we will spend a few minutes discussing boundaries, desires and expectations. I explain that restraints and blindfolds are optional and get your views on that. I discover your likes and dislikes on my various tools and share safewords.


You are led upstairs to my massage room. Candles are lit, the room dimmed. A soft citrus scent lingers in the air. You get undressed and wait for me on the table, breathless with anticipation.

I have carefully chosen music for this experience. As the music begins to fill the room, I lightly touch you. I start to lead you down the road to bliss, using your body as my plaything.

After a bit of soft teasing, I apply my signature massage oil. I have sexy massagea very unique way of applying it! 🙂 Different levels of pressure are applied to your body. Nothing is off limits to me. I touch your feet, knees, thighs back, glutes, etc.

Then I flip you over and do more of the same! Stress and tension melt away. Your body tingles and your senses are heightened. You have lost the need to go somewhere, perform, or ‘do’ anything. You are mine, and you like it. Surrender never felt better.

If you are curious about FBSM and Feminine Domination, I invite you to contact me for a session in my San Jose studio.

Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender bending are welcomed and encouraged here.

Intrigued? Contact me. My email is  I am in San Jose, California.  I look forward to hearing from you. 408-896-5836.