What a long strange trip it has been.
After a long hiatus due to Covid19 and the health orders, the studio is cautiously reopening. A great many changes have taken place here at the studio.
The biggest change is my location! I sold the condo and bought a house a mile and a half away from the old place. Featuring a bigger playroom, air conditioning and a fireplace, Mistress J is ready to see her guests in comfort.
I moved at the beginning of the shelter in place and the quiet time allowed me to get my house and playroom in order. Though I will admit to constantly tweaking and adding exciting new things. I have also taken up gardening, which is very zen. I am expecting a very unique flower pot very soon that will be the PERFECT addition to my playroom.

Spank-a-doodle -do!
For example, a favorite purchase is this incredibly sexy spanking/fucking bench. You may have noticed I love red and black in my playroom, so I opted for the red bench. She is sooooo pretty. So far it seems to be a big hit. I love the restraints. I can’t have my guest wiggling away when I torment them. Who wants to take a ride?
In addition to these lovely items, I have some cute signage so people don’t get lost or forget where they are.
But what about the virus you ask? Well, let me tell you. I have purchased this air purifier that kills micro-organisms with a UV light. This will be on during our sessions. You will be asked to shower before we begin playing. As soon as we are done, I will immediately open the sliding glass door to let in sun and fresh air, and spray everything with alcohol and lemon myrtle.
Once you leave the building, a cleaning I will go! Bathroom, playroom, hallway, doorknobs, switches, bottles, toys, pillows, furniture and equipment will get bleached or sanitized with cavi-wipes.
I will only be seeing 1 person a day for a while. I stay home most of the time, enjoying my home with the exception to shop. I keep my house clean and feel I provide a healthy environment for my guests. I will expect the courtesy of letting me know if you feel under the weather so we can reschedule, and temperatures might be taken. Masks can also add to the fun!
There is nothing more sexy than safety!
*As of 3/31/21, Mistress J has had her first Covid vaccine!
Intrigued? Contact me.
Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender exploration are welcomed and encouraged here.
My email is mistressjstudios@gmail.com. I am in San Jose, California. I look forward to hearing from you.